How to Present Your Business When It's Time to Sell

Many baby boomers are planning to retire over the coming years. If they are small business owners, they may be looking to pass their corporation on to a third party as a going concern. If you're in this situation, you may be very attached to your "baby" and want to ensure that the people who take over have the interests of your customers and staff at heart. But you also want to ensure that you get as much money as possible for the transaction and this is where structuring and preparation can make a huge difference.

Four Benefits Of Using Business Tax Accounting Services

As a business owner, one of your main concerns is to ensure that you are compliant with all the tax laws and regulations. However, this may be difficult for some small business owners who don't have time to deal with the tedious task of filing taxes. Here are four benefits of using business tax accounting services: 1. Business Tax Accounting Services Save You Time On Tax Filing It takes a lot of time to file taxes, especially if it's your first time doing it.

Employers, Are You Confused by Fringe Benefits Tax?

If you own a small business and employ others, you may have had to be creative when first recruiting by offering certain "frills" to draw staff away from your competition. Yet you do need to account for these add-ons and other payments in kind, as the tax regulator considers them to be fringe benefits. What do you need to know about your obligations as you prepare to lodge your end-of-year returns?